Bellflower Creations Wind Chimes and Copper Garden Art
Handcrafted bells, nestled in whimsical wire-wrapped flowers have a gentle delicate sound - just enough to keep you company and make you smile.
From a slender bough, to a planter box, to a tabletop, these unusual chimes bring gentle sound to new spaces.
Whether hanging from an eave, shepherd’s hook, or bough, Luna Chimes have a dramatic presence in the garden.
Dainty Hanging Bellflower Chimes can be tucked into places you wouldn’t have thought to hang a chime.
A different take on garden stakes, Bellflower Chime Garden Stakes are smaller and invite you to enjoy their beauty up close and personal.
Free-standing Windswept Garden Chimes can nestle among the ferns, grace your picnic table or desk, or welcome guests to your front door.
Explore more about the care and feeding of Bellflower Creations.
In a funny way, the inspiration for Bellflower Creations came from a ceramics class years ago. After many years as a professional cellist, I was looking for a different creative outlet and tried my hand at hand-building. The results were less than stellar- a pot that bore a resemblance more to a flower bulb than a glorious pot. But it cried out for something more, and I imagined chimes growing from it. That’s when the creative juices began to flow, and after a few years of learning how to work with wire and metal, I had my chimes.